Belly fat has gotten a few nicknames
over the years, but whether you call yours pooch, spare tire or love handle,
the end-goal is the same: You want to get rid of belly fat. Now, it’s true
you can’t make belly fat go away with specific exercises, because the truth is,
you can’t just target an area of your body.
You have to
reduce your overall body fat first, and from there you will work your way until
every inch of your body will be tightened and toned. Don’t worry though, belly
fat maybe hard to lose, but it CAN be lost.
The best things
you could do to start losing the weight fast on your problematic belly
area is listed below:
1. Start
following a healthy low-calorie diet
food choices such as fruits and veggies are low in calories but fill you up
better and give you the added benefits of being loaded with vitamins,
nutrients, and fiber.
Keep a food
diary to keep track of all the things you consumed and use a food calculator to
determine how many calories you ate daily. Keep an eye out for portion sizes
and keep seconds out of sight.
2. Burn fat
with cardio exercises
cardio exercise such as aerobics will tone you nup and strenthen your abdominal
muscles. Beginners can start with a 30 minute cardio work out 2 to 3 days per
week. It is a common misconception that doing ab-exercises will target the
mid-section area faster, because the human body burns fats as a whole, and not
from specific areas only.
3. That said,
work your legs
that work your legs is a great way to tone your muscles and get rid of belly fat. Workouts that require your
legs to come level or above your lower waistline causes your lower abdominal
muscles to work to help keep your balance.
4. Strength
training is a must
training is not to be ignored, because muscle burns calories. Doing cardio and
strength training is a good combination to burn body fat and sculpt your
muscles. If you are not seeing results, change your diet, up your cardio and
increase your weights.
The Skinny
belly fat takes time despite all the claims that there are diet plans and
specific exercises that target your abdominal area.
combining a healthy diet with exercise is still the best way to lose belly fat,
and the more exercise you do, the better it will work for you.
In many
ways, this diet-and-exercise combination is better even though it takes a
longer time. But if you desire to really trim yourself, and when you stick to
these healthy habits for a while, you’ll feel so much better and happier with
the results.
For more
information on losing belly fat check out:
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